Research Publications

Research Publications

  1. 21st International Leprosy Congress - ILC 2022: A Report on the Conference. Suneetha S, Rao PN. Indian Dermatol Online J. 14(3):p 454-456, May–Jun 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_148_23
  2. Recording of Leprosy Cases in India: Need for a User-Friendly and Effective App. Bahunuthula RK, Varala S, Rao PN, Suneetha S. Indian Dermatol Online J. 13(6):p 697-700, Nov–Dec 2022. | DOI: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_245_22
  3. Dermlep Study Part 3: Post-RFT Events in Leprosy Patients Presenting to Dermatologists. Rao PN, Suneetha S, Rathod SP, Narang T, Dogra S, Singal A, Gupta SK, Vora R. Indian Dermatol Online J; 13(3):p 340-345, May–Jun 2022. | DOI: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_683_21.
  4. High‐resolution Ultra-sonography in leprosy: Value and applications. Suneetha S, Rao PN. Indian Dermatol Online J 2021;12:497-99.
  5. Updates on Management of Leprosy in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic: Recommendations by IADVL SIG Leprosy. Bhardwaj A, Gupta SK, Narang T, Suneetha S, Pradhan S, Agarwal P, Suvirya S, Gupta A, Chhabra N, Rao AG, Ashwini PK, Jandhyala S, Rathod S, Rao PN, Dogra S. Indian Dermatology Online Journal 12(Suppl 1):p S24-S30, November 2021. | DOI: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_513_21
  6. The DermLep Study Part 2: Results of a nation-wide survey of dermatologists’ access to quality leprosy services at their clinics and hospitals in India. Rao PN, Rathod S, Suneetha S, Dogra S, Vora R, Gupta SK. Indian Dermatol Online J 2020;11:895-903.
  7. The DermLep Study: Results of prospective nation‑wide survey of the number & profile of leprosy patients seen by Dermatologists in India. Rao PN, Rathod S, Suneetha S, Dogra S, Gupta SK, Vora R, et al. Indian Dermatol Online J 2020;11:701-11.
  8. Management of leprosy in the context of COVID 19 pandemic: Recommendations by SIG leprosy (IADVL academy). Rathod S, Suneetha S, Narang T, Bhardwaj A, Gupta SK, Kamoji SG, et al. Indian Dermatol Online J 2020;11:345-8.
  9. Current Situation of Leprosy in India and its Future Implications. Rao PN, Suneetha S. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2018 Mar-Apr;9(2):83-89. doi: 10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_282_17. Review. PubMed PMID: 29644191; PubMed Central PMCID:PMC5885632.
  10. High-Resolution Sonography as an Additional Diagnostic and Prognostic Tool to Monitor Disease Activity in Leprosy: A Two-Year Prospective Study. Chaduvula MV, *Visser LH, Suneetha S, Suneetha L, Devaraju B, Ellanti R, Raju R, Jain S. Ultraschall Med. 2018 Feb;39(1):80-89. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-108430. Epub 2016 Jun 7. PubMed PMID: 27273176.
  11. Anticeramide antibody and butyrylcholinesterase in peripheral neuropathies. Sykam A, Gutlapalli VR, Tenali SP, Meena AK, Chandran P, Suneetha S, Suneetha LM. J Clin Neurosci. 2017 Aug;42:204-208. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2017.04.023. Epub 2017 May 30. PubMed PMID: 28576432.
  12. Insights from the sequence similarity of Zika virus proteins with the Human nerve proteins.Prasanna Marsakatla1, Sujai Suneetha1, Joshua Lee2, Paari Dominic Swaminathan3, Logeshwaran Vasudevan4, Rachael Supriya1, Lavanya Moses Suneetha1
  13. Comparison of Candidal Species in Oral and Cervical Smears in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Positive Women- A Prospective Study. Jahagirdar S, Kumar JV, Suneetha S, Suneetha L, Abidullah M, Gundamaraju K. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2017; 3(6):DE42-DE46.
  14. Pure neuritic leprosy: Current status and relevance. Rao PN, Suneetha S. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2016 May-Jun;82(3):252-61. doi:10.4103/0378-6323.179086. Review. PubMed PMID: 27088926.
  15. Phenotypic Characterization of a Pair of Molecules in Tissues Confer to Classical Mendelian or non Mendelian Ratios. Suneetha L, Prasanna M, Suneetha S. Medical Hypotheses 94 (2016) 112–117
  16. High levels of plasma interferon gamma and+874T/A gene polymorphism is associated with HIV-TB co-infection. Gutlapalli RG, Aparna S, Suneetha L, Suneetha S. Human immunology • August 2016 DOI: 10.1016/j.humimm.2016.08.001.
  17. Detection of Tuberculosis in HIV Co-infected Individuals: Use of Multiple ELISA Responses to 38kDa, Lipoarabinomannan and ESAT–6 of M. tuberculosis. Gutlapalli R, Sykam A, Tenali SP, Chandran P, Suneetha S, Suneetha LM. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research [serial online] 2016 February [cited: 2016 Mar 29 ]
  18. Imaging techniques in leprosy clinics. Jain S, Visser LH, Suneetha S. Clinics in Dermatology. 2016 Feb 29;34(1):70-8.
  19. Insights from the predicted epitope similarity between Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulent factors and its human homologs. Gutlapalli VR, Sykam A, Nayarisseri A, Suneetha S, Suneetha LM. Bioinformation. 2015;11(12):517.
  20. Association of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interferon gamma gene polymorphisms and their plasma levels in leprosy, HIV and other peripheral neuropathies. Sykam A, Gutlapalli VR, Tenali SP, Meena AK, Chandran P, Pratap DV, Suneetha S, Suneetha LM. Cytokine. 2015 Dec 31;76(2):473-9.
  21. Global leprosy program: Does it need uniform-multi-drug therapy now?. Rao PN, Dogra S, Suneetha S. Indian dermatology online journal. 2015 Nov;6(6):425.
  22. Relationship of long-term highly active antiretroviral therapy on salivary flow rate and CD4 Count among HIV-infected patients. Kumar JV, Baghirath PV, Naishadham PP, Suneetha S, Suneetha L, Sreedevi P. Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology: JOMFP. 2015 Jan;19(1):58.
  23. Use of high resolution ultrasonography as an auxiliary tool in the diagnosis of primary neuritic leprosy: a case report.Suman Jain, Leo H. Visser, Muralidhar Reddy Yerasu, Renuka Raju, Meena A.K, Lokesh B and Suneetha S. Leprosy Review, 2013; 84:1–6.
  24. Comparing the clinical and histological diagnosis of leprosy and leprosy reactions in the INFIR cohort of Indian patients with multibacillary leprosy. Lockwood DN, Nicholls P, Smith WC, Das L, Barkataki P, van Brakel W, Suneetha S. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2012;6(6):e1702. Epub 2012 Jun 26.
  25. Morphological changes of the epineurium in leprosy: a new finding detected by high-resolution sonography. Visser LH, Jain S, Lokesh B, Suneetha S, Subbanna J. Muscle Nerve. 2012 Jul;46(1):38-41. doi: 10.1002/mus.23269. Epub 2012 May 29.
  26. Cytokine and protein markers of leprosy reactions in skin and nerves: baseline results for the North Indian INFIR cohort. Lockwood DN, Suneetha L, Sagili KD, Chaduvula MV, Mohammed I, van Brakel W, Smith WC, Nicholls P, Suneetha S. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2011 Dec;5(12):e1327. Epub 2011 Dec 13.
  27. Changes in the size and number of skin lesions in PB leprosy on treatment and follow-up. Rao PN, Suneetha S, Pratap DV. Lepr Rev. 2011 Sep;82(3):244-52.
  28. Analysis of antibody and cytokine markers for leprosy nerve damage and reactions in the INFIR cohort in India. Jadhav R, Suneetha L, Kamble R, Shinde V, Devi K, Chaduvula MV, Raju R, Suneetha S, Nicholls PG, van Brakel WH, Lockwood DN. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2011 Mar 8;5(3):e977.
  29. Antibodies to myelin P0 and ceramide perpetuate neuropathy in long standing treated leprosy patients. Raju R, Devi SK, Mehervani C, Kumar AS, Meena AK, Reddy PP, Pranay P, Jain S, Archelos-Gracia JJ, Suneetha S, Suneetha LM. Neurochem Res. 2011 May;36(5):766-73. Epub 2011 Jan 14.
  30. Comparative study of uniform-MDT and WHO MDT in Pauci and Multi bacillary leprosy patients over 24 months of observation. Rao PN, Suneetha S, Pratap DV. Lepr Rev. 2009 Jun;80(2):143-55.
  31. Predicting neuropathy and reactions in leprosy at diagnosis and before incident events-results from the INFIR cohort study. Smith WC, Nicholls PG, Das L, Barkataki P, Suneetha S, Suneetha L, Jadhav R, Sundar Rao PS, Wilder-Smith EP, Lockwood DN, van Brakel WH. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2009 Aug 11;3(8):e500.
  32. Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis (AGEP) due to dapsone in a patient with leprosy. Narasimharao P, Pratap DV, Suneetha S. Lepr Rev. 2009 Mar;80(1):81-4.
  33. Protein phosphorylation pattern in the immune cells of leprosy affected individuals. Karuna Devi Sagili, Renuka Raju, Venkat Rami Reddy, Anandaraj M.P.J.S, Suneetha S, Lavanya Moses Suneetha. J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(2):124-129.
  34. Use of Short Tandem Repeat Sequences to Study Mycobacterium leprae in Leprosy Patients in Malawi and India. Young SK, Ponnighaus JM, Jain S, Lucas S, Suneetha S, Lockwood DN, Young DB, Fine PE. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2008 Apr 9;2 (4):e214.
  35. Early diagnosis of neuropathy in leprosy--comparing diagnostic tests in a large prospective study (the INFIR cohort study). van Brakel WH, Nicholls PG, Wilder-Smith EP, Das L, Barkataki P, Lockwood DN; INFIR Study Group. Collaborators: Cairns W, Smith S, Sundar Rao PS, Jadhav R, Suneetha S, Suneetha L. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2008 Apr 2;2(4):e212.
  36. The histological diagnosis of leprosy type 1 reactions: identification of key variables and an analysis of the process of histological diagnosis. Lockwood DN, Lucas SB, Desikan KV, Ebenezer G, Suneetha S, Nicholls P. J Clin Pathol. 2008 May; 61(5):595-600.
  37. Histopathological and clinical findings in leprosy patients with chronic neuropathic pain: a study from Hyderabad, India. Lund C, Koskinen M, Suneetha S, Lockwood DN, Haanpää M, Haapasalo H, Hietaharju A. Lepr Rev. 2007 Dec;78(4):369-80.
  38. Alteration of the cortisol-cortisone shuttle in leprosy type 1 reactions in leprosy patients in Hyderabad, India. Andersson AK, Atkinson SE, Khanolkar-Young S, Chaduvula M, Jain S, Suneetha L, Suneetha S, Lockwood DN. Immunol Lett. 2007 Mar 15;109(1):72-5.
  39. Clinical course of erythema nodosum leprosum: an 11-year cohort study in Hyderabad, India. Pocaterra L, Jain S, Reddy R, Muzaffarullah S, Torres O, Suneetha S, Lockwood DN. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2006 May; 74(5):868-79.
  40. Evaluation of leprosy patients with 1 to 5 skin lesions with relevance to their grouping into paucibacillary or multibacillary disease. Rao PN, Pratap D, Ramana Reddy AV, Suneetha S. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2006 May-Jun;72(3):207-10.
  41. Effects of prednisolone treatment on cytokine expression in patients with leprosy type 1 reactions. Andersson AK, Chaduvula M, Atkinson SE, Khanolkar-Young S, Jain S, Lavanya Suneetha, Suneetha S, Lockwood DN. Infect Immun. 2005 Jun;73(6):3725-33.
  42. The development of cutaneous lesions during follow-up of patients with primary neuritic leprosy. Suneetha S, Sigamoni A, Kurian N, Chacko CJ. Int J Dermatol. 2005, Mar;44(3):224-9.
  43. The INFIR Cohort Study: investigating prediction, detection and pathogenesis of neuropathy and reactions in leprosy. Methods and baseline results of a cohort of multibacillary leprosy patients in north India. van Brakel WH, Nicholls PG, Das L, Barkataki P, Suneetha S, Jadhav RS, Maddali P, Lockwood DN, Wilder-Smith E, Desikan KV.Lepr Rev. 2005 Mar;76(1):14-34. Erratum in: Lepr Rev. 2005 Sep; 76(3):264.
  44. Leprosy – too complex a disease for an elimination paradigm. Lockwood DNJ & Suneetha S. World Health Organization Bulletin.2005; 83:230-235.
  45. Micro satellite mapping of Mycobacterium leprae populations in human infection. Saroj Young, G Michael Taylor, Suman Jain, Lavanya Suneetha, Suneetha S, Diana NJ Lockwood and Douglas B Young. J Clin Micro. 2004 Nov; 4931-36.
  46. Serum Butyrylcholinesterase activity in leprosy. Lavanya M Suneetha, Karunakar V, Mehervani, Karuna, Suneetha S. Int J. Leprosy, Sept. 2004.
  47. Molecular genotyping of a large, multicentric collection of tubercle bacilli indicates geographical partitioning of strain variation and has implications for global epidemiology of mycobacterium tuberculosis. Niyaz Ahmed, Mahfooz Alam, K.Rajendra Rao, Farhana Kauser, N.Ashok Kumar, Nazia N. Qazi, Vartul Sangal, VD Sharma, Ram Das, VM Katoch, KJR Murthy, Suneetha S, SK Sharma, Leonardo A Sechi, Robert H. Gilman and Seyed Hasnain. J Clin Microbiol. 2004 Jul;42(7):3240-7.
  48. Diagnostic Role of the antibody response to the 38kda, 16kda proteins and lipoarabinomannan of M.tuberculosis. Raju R, Suneetha S, Karuna Sagili D, Chaduvula MV, Saraswathi V, Satyanarayana AVV & Suneetha LM. Indian J of Clinical Biochemistry, January 2005.
  49. Clinico pathological comparative study between count of body lesions and the number of body areas involved in leprosy. Narasimha Rao P, Suneetha S, Srinivas D and Lakshmi TSS. Indian J of Dermatology, Venerology & Leprology.
  50. Comparative proteomics of the M.leprae binding proteins and the genome of M.leprae: its implications in understanding leprosy nerve damage and other neurodegenerative diseases’ Deena Vardhini, Niyaz Ahmed, Suneetha S, Joshi S.A, Karuna S., Sridhar V., Karunakar K.V, Juan J. Archeolos, Suneetha LM. Infection, Genetics and Evolution  4 (2004) 21-28.
  51. Expression of CC and CXC chemokines receptors in human leprosy skin lesions. Kirkaldy AA Musonda A.C., Khanolkar-Young S., Suneetha S & Lockwood DNJ. Clin Exp Immunol. 2003 Dec; 134(3):447-53.
  52. The development of cutaneous lesions during follow-up of patients with primary neuritic leprosy. Suneetha S, Arunthathi S, Kurian N and Chacko CJG. Int. J Dermatology, 2003.
  53. Detection of IL-13, IL-10 & IL-6 in the leprosy skin lesions of patients during prednisolone treatment for type 1 (T1R) reaction. Sara Atkinson, Khanolkar-Young S, Reddy R, Jain S, Suneetha S, Lockwood DNJ. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact. Dis. 2004 Mar; 72(1):27-34.
  54. Mycobacterium leprae binds to a major human peripheral nerve glycoprotein myelin P zero (P0). Suneetha L, Surya S Singh, Chaduvula MV, Vardhini D, Scollard D, Juan J. Archeolos, Subramaniawar R, Suneetha S.   Neurochemical Research 2003; 28(9); 1393-1399.
  55. Cholinesterases in leprosy nerves: a preliminary report. Suneetha L, CD Bhanumathy CD, Solomon S,  Ravi J. Korula, AS Balasubramnian, Suneetha S. International J Leprosy, September 2002. Vol. 70 (3): 208-210.
  56. A review on biochemical aspects of M.leprae binding proteins. Lavanya M Suneetha, Suneetha S et al. International J Leprosy as a guest editorial, December 2001 Vol. 69 (4): 341-348.
  57. Childhood leprosy – clinical presentation and the role of household contacts. Suman Jain, Suneetha S et al. Leprosy Review, September, 2002.
  58. Histological resolution and bacterial clearance with pulse ‘ROM’ therapy in borderline lepromatous leprosy. Suneetha S & Rajgopal Reddy. International J Leprosy. April, 2001, Vol.69(1): 53-54.
  59. Biochemical aspects of Mycobacterium leprae binding proteins: a review of their role in pathogenesis. Suneetha LM, Vardhini D, Suneetha S, Balasubramanian AS, Job CK, Scollard D. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis. 2001 Dec;69(4):341-8.
  60. Bacterial index of granuloma and its relevance compared to BI of skin smears. D. Srinivas, P. Narasimha Rao, T.S.S Laxmi and Suneetha S. Letter to the Editor. Leprosy Review. Vol.73, March, 2002.
  61. Immnohistohemical analysis of cellular infiltrate, IFNg, IL-12 and iNOS expression in leprosy type 1 (reversal) reactions before and during Prednisolone treatment. David Little, Saroj Khanolkar-Young, Anne Coulthart, Suneetha S and Lockwood DNJ. Infection & Immunity, May 2001; 3413-3417.
  62. Histological changes in the nerve, skin and nasal mucosa of patients with primary neuritic leprosy. Suneetha S, Arunthathi S, Kurian N., Chacko CJG. Acta Leprologica, 2000-2001, 12:11-18.
  63. Bacteriological study of pus isolates from neuropathic plantar ulcers associated with acute inflammatory phase. Suneetha S, G Ebenezer, S Daniel, E Reuben, S.Partheebarajan, S Solomon. Indian J Leprosy. 2000; 72(4):443-449.
  64. Histological studies in primary neuritic leprosy: changes in the nasal mucosa.  Suneetha S, Arunthathi S, Anand Job, Anand Date, Nisha Kurian, Chacko CJG. Leprosy Review. 1998; 69: 351-357.
  65. Histological studies in primary neuritic leprosy: changes in the apparently normal skin.  Suneetha S, Arunthathi S, Sushil Chandi, Nisha Kurian, Chacko CJG.   Leprosy Review. 1998;69: 358-366.
  66. Quantitative assessment of facial sensation in leprosy.  Premkumar R, Ebenezer Daniel, Suneetha S, Yovan P. International J Leprosy 1998; 66(3): 348-355.
  67. Mycobacterium leprae binds to a 25-kDa phosphorylated glycoprotein of human peripheral nerve.  Lavanya M. Suneetha, Satish PR.  Korula RJ, Suneetha S, Job CK, Balasubramnian AS.  Neurochem Research. 1998; 23: 907-911.
  68. Skin smears in leprosy: Is reduction in number of sites for skin smears justified? Suneetha S, Vilvanathan K, Kurian N, Arunthathi S. Acta Leprolologica. 1997; 10: 191-194.
  69. Mycobacterium leprae binds to a 28-30 kDa phosphorylated glycoprotein of rat peripheral nerve.  Lavanya Suneetha, Satish PR, Suneetha S, Balasubramnian AS. International J Leprosy 1997; 65: 350-356.
  70. Clinical and histopathological activity in paucibacillary leprosy patients after fixed duration multidrug therapy, Gigi Ebenezer, Suneetha S, Arunthathi S Leprosy Review. 1997; 68.
  71. Multibacillary nerve histology in clinically diagnosed borderline tuberculoid patients.  Gigi Ebenezer, Renu Mohandas, Suneetha S, Arunthathi S. International J Leprosy 1996; 64: 311-315.
  72. Leprosy Workers.  Letter to Editor.  Premkumar R, Suneetha S.  World Health Forum 1993; 14: 293-294.
  73. Pay-promotion-prestige and the Health personnel in Hansen’s disease, R. Premkumar, Suneetha S, Sajjan L Dave.  The Star 1993; Jan-Feb: 7-9.
  74. Treatment of recent facial nerve damage with lagophthalmos using a semi-standardized steroid regimen, Kiran KU, Hogeweg M, Suneetha S.  Leprosy Review 1991: 62: 150-154.
  75. The significance of facial patches and Type 1 reaction for the development of facial nerve damage in leprosy.  A retrospective study among 1226 paucibacillary leprosy patients.  Hogeweg M, Kiran KU, Suneetha S.  Leprosy Review 1991; 62: 143-149.
  76. Borderline reactions treated with Clofazimine and Corticosteroids – Letter to Editor.  Kiran KU, Suneetha S.  Indian J Leprosy 1986: 58: 168-169.
  77. The role of apparently normal looking lepromatous cases in the spread of leprosy.  Kiran KU, Suneetha S, Laxmi TSS, Stanley JNA, Pearson JMH.  J. Indian Association of Social & Preventive Medicine 1985; 111-115.
  78. Sykam A, Gutlapalli VR, Tenali SP, Meena AK, Chandran P, Suneetha S, Suneetha LM. Anticeramide antibody and butyrylcholinesterase in peripheral neuropathies. J Clin Neurosci. 2017 Aug;42:204-208. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2017.04.023. Epub 2017 May 30. PMID: 28576432.
  79. Suneetha LM, Vardhini D, Suneetha S, Balasubramanian AS, Job CK, Scollard D. Biochemical aspects of Mycobacterium leprae binding proteins: a review of their role in pathogenesis. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis. 2001 Dec;69(4):341-8. PMID: 12035295.
  80. Marsakatla P, Suneetha S, Lee J, Swaminathan PD, Vasudevan L, Supriya R, Suneetha LM. Insights from the sequence similarity of Zika virus proteins with the Human nerve proteins. Bioinformation. 2018 May 31;14(5):194-200. doi: 10.6026/97320630014194. PMID: 30108415; PMCID: PMC6077820.
  81. Suneetha LM, Karunakar V, Mehervani, Kaurna, Reddy RG, Suneetha S. Serum butyrylcholinesterase activity in leprosy. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis. 2004 Sep;72(3):324-6. doi: 10.1489/0020-7349(2004)72<324:sbail>;2. PMID: 15526384.
  82. Gutlapalli VR, Sykam A, Nayarisseri A, Suneetha S, Suneetha LM. Insights from the predicted epitope similarity between Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulent factors and its human homologs. Bioinformation. 2015 Dec 31;11(12):517-24. doi: 10.6026/97320630011517. PMID: 26770024; PMCID: PMC4702028.
  83. Raju R, Devi SK, Mehervani C, Kumar AS, Meena AK, Reddy PP, Pranay P, Jain S, Archelos-Gracia JJ, Suneetha S, Suneetha LM. Antibodies to myelin P0 and ceramide perpetuate neuropathy in long standing treated leprosy patients. Neurochem Res. 2011 May;36(5):766-73. doi: 10.1007/s11064-010-0397-7. Epub 2011 Jan 14. PMID: 21234675.
  84. Suneetha LM, Marsakatla P, Ravi GV, Sykam A, Raju R, Reddy PP, Hara Gopal VV, Jadhav R, Suneetha S. Phenotypic characterization of a pair of molecules in tissues confer to classical Mendelian or non Mendelian ratios. Med Hypotheses. 2016 Sep;94:112-7. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2016.07.008. Epub 2016 Jul 14. PMID: 27515215.
  85. Gutlapalli VR, Sykam A, Tenali SP, Suneetha S, Suneetha LM. High levels of plasma interferon gamma and +874T/A gene polymorphism is associated with HIV-TB co-infection. Hum Immunol. 2016 Dec;77(12):1264-1270. doi: 10.1016/j.humimm.2016.08.001. Epub 2016 Aug 10. PMID: 27521485.
  86. Andersson AK, Chaduvula M, Atkinson SE, Khanolkar-Young S, Jain S, Suneetha L, Suneetha S, Lockwood DN. Effects of prednisolone treatment on cytokine expression in patients with leprosy type 1 reactions. Infect Immun. 2005 Jun;73(6):3725-33. doi: 10.1128/IAI.73.6.3725-3733.2005. PMID: 15908402; PMCID: PMC1111887.
  87. Andersson AK, Atkinson SE, Khanolkar-Young S, Chaduvula M, Jain S, Suneetha L, Suneetha S, Lockwood DN. Alteration of the cortisol-cortisone shuttle in leprosy type 1 reactions in leprosy patients in Hyderabad, India. Immunol Lett. 2007 Mar 15;109(1):72-5. doi: 10.1016/j.imlet.2007.01.004. Epub 2007 Feb 5. PMID: 17320974.
  88. Chaduvula MV, Visser LH, Suneetha S, Suneetha L, Devaraju B, Ellanti R, Raju R, Jain S. High-Resolution Sonography as an Additional Diagnostic and Prognostic Tool to Monitor Disease Activity in Leprosy: A Two-Year Prospective Study. Ultraschall Med. 2018 Feb;39(1):80-89. English. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-108430. Epub 2016 Jun 7. PMID: 27273176.
  89. Jadhav R, Suneetha L, Kamble R, Shinde V, Devi K, Chaduvula MV, Raju R, Suneetha S, Nicholls PG, van Brakel WH, Lockwood DN. Analysis of antibody and cytokine markers for leprosy nerve damage and reactions in the INFIR cohort in India. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2011 Mar 8;5(3):e977. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000977. PMID: 21408123; PMCID: PMC3050910.
  90. Raju R, Suneetha S, Jadhav RS, Chaduvula M, Atkinson S, Jain S, Visser LH, Das L, Panhalkar R, Shinde V, Reddy PP, Barkataki P, Lockwood DNj, Van Brakel WH, Suneetha LM. Serological responses to prednisolone treatment in leprosy reactions: study of TNF-α, antibodies to phenolic glycolipid-1, lipoarabinomanan, ceramide and S100-B. Lipids Health Dis. 2014 Jul 28;13:119. doi: 10.1186/1476-511X-13-119. PMID: 25070345; PMCID: PMC4124507.
  91. Sykam A, Gutlapalli VR, Tenali SP, Meena AK, Chandran P, Pratap DVS, Suneetha S, Suneetha LM. Association of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interferon gamma gene polymorphisms and their plasma levels in leprosy, HIV and other peripheral neuropathies. Cytokine. 2015 Dec;76(2):473-479. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2015.09.010. Epub 2015 Oct 1. PMID: 26431782.
  92. van Brakel WH, Nicholls PG, Wilder-Smith EP, Das L, Barkataki P, Lockwood DN; INFIR Study Group. Early diagnosis of neuropathy in leprosy--comparing diagnostic tests in a large prospective study (the INFIR cohort study). PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2008 Apr 2;2(4):e212. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000212. PMID: 18382604; PMCID: PMC2270341.
  93. Lockwood DN, Suneetha L, Sagili KD, Chaduvula MV, Mohammed I, van Brakel W, Smith WC, Nicholls P, Suneetha S. Cytokine and protein markers of leprosy reactions in skin and nerves: baseline results for the North Indian INFIR cohort. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2011 Dec;5(12):e1327. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0001327. Epub 2011 Dec 13. PMID: 22180790; PMCID: PMC3236729.
  94. Raju R, Suneetha S, Sagili K, Meher VC, Saraswathi V, Satyanarayana AV, Suneetha LM. Diagnostic role of the antibody response to the 38kDa, 16kDa proteins and lipoarabinomannan of mycobacterium tuberculosis. Indian J Clin Biochem. 2005 Jan;20(1):123-8. doi: 10.1007/BF02893056. PMID: 23105508; PMCID: PMC3454160.
  95. Gutlapalli R, Sykam A, Tenali SP, Chandran P, Suneetha S, Suneetha LM. Detection of Tuberculosis in HIV Co-infected Individuals: Use of Multiple ELISA Responses to 38kDa, Lipoarabinomannan and ESAT- 6 of M. tuberculosis. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Feb;10(2):KC01-4. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2016/16559.7322. Epub 2016 Feb 1. PMID: 27042484; PMCID: PMC4800549.
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